Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

ooh. spirit rite footage

give me the rundown because it’s NOT LOADING


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No, it’s lightning. Are you blind?

Can’t wait for the staff and the orb

anyway thats sick. hopefully I’ll be a huge fan of the spirit wall ‘cause ive wanted something like that for a long while

that plus the mobility the new dash thingy gives and jugg looks like it might make rushdown playable??? depends on how effective the wall is vs stacked attack size

Do we know the vit requirements for these actually

the vit requirements are in game already, but iirc

spirit wall is 40
astrapikis is 100
spirit walk is 160
Astropos is 260

Yeah…Cause Vitality is eating way too good compared to other builds…THEY GOT WHOLE WEAPON BUILT! :scream:

TL;DR - no drawaback; a bit lower damage; Damage dealt converts into regenreation

Neither B-team or patreon knows the reason, so im just going to leave it here



Literally built to glass cannon

welcome back 1.14 reflexes, you guys are worse than before

You can kill the man, but never the idea

i wonder if u need to touch the ground for the cd fo start, if not, i can just airstall then use it again

lifesteal would’ve been soo cool, what the hell vetex

Moochezz confirmed it has a 6 second cooldown, dunno when the CD starts though

me with 209 intesnisity:

If it doesn’t consume air slots then this is going to have some nasty airstall potential

new intensity + agility meta confirmed?

200 intensity cuts ur cd in half, so that will have a 3s cooldown

something like this, quick build i made for that

thats a good one, I made one too, but only for people who have plasma magic.

Probably “lore reasons” again