Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Aetherfall Battlegrounds,
underrated Roblox fighting game (not my game)

I’ve been David.



knight’s finally going to be a usable class :frhigh:

imagine having to switch through 6 weapons :sob:

Knights really are just eating right now, huh.

savants switching between 2 magics, 2 fighting styles, 3 weapons, and 3 spirit weapons upon reaching their second awakening:

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“This is my Sailor Metal Lightning Night Staff Patrimony Orb Bow Colossal Greatsword Rapier Savant File”


When will roblox let us use rebound keys

if you’re a savant it’s no problem

That takes up 9 slots of the hot bar :sob:

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9 ultimate arts is crazy :skull:

Savants will truly be meta when they get their second awakening!!
The skill floor:


I should make a paladin file that I can reset to an oracle on the update ngl

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please have spirit pulsar :pray:

nuh uh you get blast reskin 3

if oracles get a new move that shoots a continuous beam of spirit energy but mages dont get one for magic im gonna tweak

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I wonder how different the visuals on this will be