Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

sameria took like 1/3rd of the time for nimbus :fearful:

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Big yap list of what’s left for full release and how long i think (opinion don’t kill me) it will probably take to do each one (keep in mind multiple can be worked on at the same time)

  • 27 more weapon skills

    • Will probably take moochezz 2-3 more months to finish them all, but idk if they are all even coming this update
  • Arcanium Weapons

    • As far as I am aware it’s just weapons but spells, the system to do that is pretty much it since no new attacks, 1-2 weeks
  • Ghost ships

    • It’s just ships but transparent :fr:, probably only a few days
  • Side Bosses

    • Probably like 2-4 weeks? Boss arenas need to be made and a few probably have unique abilities/magics
  • Legendary Ship Battles

    • Big boat, no clue if they are meant to have unique boat models or special bosses or something
  • Enemy Towers

    • Supposed to have unique models drops and bosses, pretty sure Trello said JTN already modeled some of the NPCs? I think? So maybe 3-5 weeks
  • Minibosses

    • No clue exactly how many more, probably 1-2 weeks each considering they each have unique weapons/spirit weapons
  • Sensing

    • Like a week, revealing potion
  • Animals

    • Idk like 2-3 months, lots of animals and lots of variants
  • Islands

    • 4 are already complete, skyhall is probably like 2-3 weeks to completion? Hopefully? No clue at all how many more are coming this update
  • Story

    • Idk like 1-3 months? I have no clue at all, just let vetex cook :st3:




i think side bosses are gonna take a while since galaga has been adding hallbjorn for a couple weeks now

Didn’t galaga say they had school or something?

yea he did

even if the actual implementation of the side bosses dont take long, if galaga is busy all of the time then its gonna be slow regardless

The solution, as usual, is to get Moochezz to do it.

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there aint no way enemy towers are gonna take longer then side bosses

If I had to guess, we’re a bit over halfway through the minimum amount of time this update could take, and around 15% done with the update’s content

i mean 1 side boss vs a whole new enemy tower system
if its all the side bosses sure theyll take longer

i mean minibosses are already added in by evander so why not just copy evanders code and just switch what needs to be switched

yeah swap his model and weapon and dialogue and ship

and skin tone

thats part of model lil bro…

Some of them might need new code in case they have alternative attacks that aren’t weapons though

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I’m talking like completely new attacks like the serial killer woman boss has too :sob:

Are they not in the game already?

or are they planned to be in the bronze and nimbus seas as well?