Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

common warden W

Spirit rites just being magic but 10x cooler

strongest mage of today vs strongest oracle of history

I swear when I finally find the time to write again Iā€™m gonna make the most peak biomancer oracle :pray:

finished dusk around this date, glad to see her be shown now


since im from america land of deep fried lard filled bald eagle donuts i thought that was the 5th day of the 26th month for a second

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Thanks again for all the work youā€™re doing for AO :saluting_face:

I mean there is Cerberusā€™ much lesser known cousin(so much lesser known I forgot his name lol) that only has two heads. Though given how not known he is I really doubt heā€™s at all related lol.


May of last year :sob:

Nichtethesis is about to be goated, but can Vetex stop spoiling his own update?

Nichtethesis seems to be pretty low damage though, so most of its use is gonna be as a supportive move in battle

my fit is better

spirit weapons are just gonna be cooler magic arenā€™t they

they are just like magic weapons if u deep it
plus not all of them will be magic based

Common vitality W

is she already fully coded in tu

meanwhile atl mace just refuses to slow sometimes for me (weird bug that i still dont know how it works)

The annexations is inevitable, those who resist will be sent to the camps to blackjack our whole treasury

German reunification ahh