Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Will we be able to edit spirit weapon stuff? Atleast a tiny bit.

Generic skills will be interchangeable

I mean the skills themselves.

the first three skills on weapons are going to be interchangeable between weapons. They aren’t editable skills, since they’re still weapons.

No as they are meant to mirror weapons

Damn it, I hoped we’d be able to do make the spirit rain last longer so it becomes area denial.

It’s already area denial enough. It’s also possible that the skill changes based on enchantment too, so maybe dense might make it a little longer lasting

Okay, but does attack size affect it?

what are they even going to tariff, the balancecord produces nothing

Not the first three. The first, second, and fourth. Third and fifth are exclusive.

I thought it was ordered in the first 3 being the “spirit” skills and THEN the unique skills, but I guess not.

This also might just be something only for patrimony, however.

arent spirit items unenchantable?

meta said spirit weapons will not be enchantable, which makes sense because the enchants would affect imbues as well

Nope. Patrimony goes:

  1. Spirit Blast (basic)
  2. Spirit Wall (basic)
  3. Astrapikis (exclusive)
  4. Spirit Walk (basic)
  5. Astros (exclusive)

You can check in-game too.

I will concede we don’t certainly know the order of the Staff of Night’s skills, however, the order they’re showcased in goes:

  1. Spirit Hound (basic)
  2. Spirit Rain (basic)
  3. Nichtethesis (exclusive)
  4. Spirit Rise (basic)

The Patrimony skills were showcased in the order they’re listed and unlocked on the weapon in-game, and it’d be weird for the Staff of Night showcase to not do the same, so it seems consistent.

Wait why is there no 2nd exclusive rite for Staff of Night

Well the video showcased 4 out of the 5 moves so it probably has another

its likely because its the ult and isn’t as easy to be added

the only reason patrimony ult was added was because its ult is literally just an aura

Ahh i see, i think mooch is probably working on 2nd Exclusive rite for Staff of Nyx right now
Also one more thing, can you ask vetex more about planned spirit weapons outside of mentioned in trello

oh you were right


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