Funky Morden (visual bugged morden)

someone put this on the wiki :fr:

we dont need royal families arranging concerningly related marriages to keep their curse inheritance :sob:

Calvus is secretly so weak for a curse user becaus he’s more inbred than the hapsburgs confirmed

hot take: Calvus was weak even with curse inheritance because he had 194192481949187491847 genetic mutations from being inbred over several dozen generations

mornyx for cerden

morden buff (mostly) and shirtless


You have earned the forgiveness of the random vetcorder who decided they had a vendetta against you for drawing morden as a femboy instead of buff

they absolutely hate me for it. (I am camu)
you are uniquely the first to like my femboy morden

if vetex didnt want femboy art made then he shouldnt have made the morden model so slim and dainty and carryable, checkmate