Further clan functionality

So i had a shower thought the other day. What if two clan leaders could make ingame alliances or rivalries between their clans. For this to work you could use a clan id system or the leaders username. In the clan menu every clan member could view a list of allies and rivals and players from allied clans could maybe be prioritised. If a player from an ally clan it could say one of your allies has joined on the top of the screen and vice versa for rivals. You could also allow clan leaders to send money from the bank to support other clans.

Maybe a new system could be implemented in the building update where the amount of clan money donated to other clans would grant you a greater discount from their npcs on an island.

I may not be able to put suggestions but i dont intend on achieving that since this is my only good and reasonable idea. Maybe a few people disagree to my idea but im just expressing myself on a forum made for my favorite roblox game.

Politics in clans

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Bros gonna marry off their clan members to other clans for political power :skull:


we should have alliances, allied clan island defenses shouldnt attack each other’s ships (eg mortars and cannons as well as guards)
this would also make an easier way to make branches of clans, like CoI’s pvp division (idk if it still exists anymore)

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sounds cool to me

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Glad you agree with me.

You aswell.

I also think you should be able to make “subclans” or divisions. For example my clan has some guys who are technically part of our clan BUT they want their own clan name and logo. The do respect me as their leader but maybe it would be more convenient if they were in my clan as a subdivision.

hot dang this is some fine cooking

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“Okay so heres the deal, me and my clanmates give you 100 sunkens for 1mil infamy, deal?”
“Give me your fire-ash mage and you get 5mil.”

I am not speaking about infamy i am speaking about galleons

Sorry. I only just realized that you replied to the other guy. I apologize

clans should def be able to capture towns or maybe even some non story related kingdoms and gain income and maybe items from them

Well when the “clan update” drops Vetex said you would be able to build on claimed islands

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Absolutely amazing. Would you mind if i save that image for future use?