Game ending predictions?

I hope we get a post credit scene with morock and he morocks all over the place

we’re going to find out the order’s backstory and it’s probably going to be a sob story about how the founders got bullied for having magic and now they’re trying to awaken some powerful eldritch monstrosity/god to kill every non-mage. sorry for spoilers everyone

This absolutely won’t happen but I can’t stop thinking about Neviro being the main antagonist

Skittle why can’t you accept that you’re not on the forums anymore until May

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I am but another humble follower of our lord and saviour Morock creed

ellis is turning into a morock simp

Caesennia transcends wifedom. She’s something more—a part of us eternal.

I always was one

sorry peace keeper wont be in ao! vetex confirmed

Vetex retcons literally everything in his story, nothing is ever out of the table

Nothing yet everything tbh

I have stroke and brain cancer while reading this shit

You suck bro

I think there could be three people we fight.

A: The one who freed Prometheus and gave him the ability to steal other god’s authority

B: Chaos (following Order of Aesir’s objective of unsealing something that was sealed long time ago)

C: Someone completely unrelated, maybe the final High lord just gathers all the curses and becomes the master Super Curse user in the War Seas.

A & B are more likely, although A is unlikely because we have no word about if it was sealed or not, while B simply isn’t sealed, Chaos is currently possesing a body and has actual influence across certain parts of the War Seas.

i got a feeling that were gonna defeat the last highlord and their gonna say some shit like “your to late!!!” and then evil scary fucker comes out of the ground and we have to fight it

It is possible but at the same time it isn’t.

It couldn’t be because Vetex isn’t following the classic but bad storyline of one hero and his friends against the BBEG.

But it can also be just because yes.

other people have mentioned this before but i think whatever gave prometheus to ability to steal a god’s authority is prime final boss material

the lore doc describes the creation of the Gods and Titans as “Chaos and Creation combining their powers”. Considering that’s what created the gods, I believe something else related to Chaos and Creation (either themselves or their act of creating the gods and titans) is responsible for giving prometheus that ability

maybe its actually just chaos, which would be kind of a lame obvious answer so i hope it isnt

the idea of fighting Chaos itself made me think of “what if at the end of AO magic ends up disappearing” since Chaos is the source of magic, which i think is a neat idea but im not expecting magic disappearing as the ending to happen at all

I had a dream where I was my lightning conjurer character in a large trench. This gigantic Greek-like structure was inside the trench, like the one on Mount Orthys, except it was way larger. Standing in the middle of the structure was a ghastly figure shrouded in darkness with purple-glowing eyes. Before I could react it sent a shockwave of pitch-black water (possibly abyss magic). Just as the shockwave hit me I woke up. Pretty scary.

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Roblox has a big update that forces devs to change something in their game, whether out of greed or them getting sued or shutting down or something, and vetex decides it’ll take too much time to change the game and make Roblox happy so he abandons the project and starts writing a series of peak books instead

retcon dimension had me rolling

I’ve been a vet supporter since 2016 but with how ambitious and long Vet wants to make Arcane Odyssey and with the current pace of development, I’m genuinely very worried something akin to the Filtering Enabled incident will happen again. Vet has been gathering a development team tho and hopefully he will procure more people with his vision so that has given me hope.