Game ending predictions?

The arcane odyssey i will NEVER stop linking to this

This is absolutely what happens

But yeah I don’t think the final boss will be Chaos based on the fact Chaos is controlling the Banished King who will only be a sideboss (what is this sh*t)

I’m betting anything on Kronos. Think about it, we know this thing is sealed away. Kronos is sealed in Tartarus. Also he’s like the main evil force of Greek mythology (or one of them anyway) so it’s weird we haven’t seen him yet in the AU at all

I have idea for final boss

it would start something like lunatic cultist from Terraria where you have to fight a bunch of order of aesir guys as phase 1

then once you kill them it was just a distraction and someone resurrects durza with a bunch of curses or smth and you have to fight durza

also iris and morden are there (Iris has a second magic and morden has gotten over his anxiety about killing people)

once you “kill” durza he will go into is evil gas form like in aa and you have to do some final thingy with morden and iris

morden goes all in and dies, so does iris and you get 3rd awakening bc of rage (then you of course kill durza bc ur the main character)


also mabye resurrected theos would be there

durza is FUCKJING DEAD he LITERALLY blew himself up with the power of like 4+ FUCKING CURSES his soul is GONE

also theos is fucking dead he isnt coming back and no 3rd awakening srry

It’s gonna end once the pvp toggle is added (the game dies)


it will probably involve going all the way back to the beginning in the form of an ‘Odyssey’ length quest which takes you through all the seas which are now partially destroyed
(because Vetex said that the ending would be impossible in WoM and this would be impossible there because there isn’t a real start and destroying large pieces of land on a continent would take way more work than doing it to islands)

John Aesir tells us “This is the end of your arcane odyssey” when we fight him

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we break the 4th wall and fight all the custom magic users

Yeah, and then the evil scary fucker also one-shots the high lord too, to show we the player that this thing means some serious shit

for talking shit abt my goat gamehero the house of caesar has sentenced you to death

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Order of aesir leader talking to the mcs party
Aesir: “What are you guys, some sort of arcane odyssey?”
Neviro: “We are here to stop you”
Morden: “THAT sounded better in his head”
Aesir leader dissapears
Neviro: “gulp hes right behind me isn’t he?”
gets impaled
MC: “Well that just happened”
Iris: “I am Iris.”
Warren suddenly appears on the scene
Warren: “What the HELL is going on?!.”
They all laugh and credits roll

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And then Lucky does a backflip and f*cking dies

No one particularly knows how or why he is here

MC cures their dementia and gets awakening and then kills antagonist

antagonist: So who are you to ruin my plans?
mc: im an legacy
antagonist: Hah! What is that supposed to mean?
mc: kills*
antagonist: bleeds out on the floor dying

fair enough