Game Health Update

Game Health Update
effort 4.333333333333333 9 quality 4.666666666666667 9 reasonability 4.888888888888889 9

To be fair to Vet, most of those are ancillary or not super necessary as it stands. Island Building doesn’t really matter much when an Infamy reset is on the horizon and clan content in general is mostly something Vet’s saving for later (Clan Minigames, Clan Flagships, Kingdom Islands, etc). Auctioning isn’t really all too important when we don’t exactly have rare or coveted items in the game right now, aside from Seasonals and Sunkens. Shipwrecks can wait when he’s already done so much underwater content recently, and Fort Castrum is being pushed back since the scale is apparently much larger than what Vetex originally planned.

As for Vitality, I have a feeling that Vet thinks the stat is boring. We few Vitality mains will stand stalwart until we eventually get our beautiful Spirit Weapons in 20XX.

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it’ll prob be around 21XX

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i believe moving games from player to group is a thing already added in roblox? Or did that get announced but not added yet?

Team create is a thing, and also Vetex can just upload the testing place with the latest update to a new Experience and set that to the group. I’m pretty sure that that’s not what’s stopping him from making it a group game.

then all data will be wiped

oh yeah. well he could use team create

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i believe a system was implemented to allow you to transfer a game from an individual to a group without needing to worry about data wipes

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