Gamehero14 Draws Abs

Some of you have probably picked up by now that I can, in fact, squiggle some lines on a paper in the crude approximation of art. I figured I’d share some of my more recent and less cringe-worthy pieces with everyone in an attempt to atone for my somewhat questionable takes regarding the game and the meta.

I’d say “enjoy”, but the closest thing to enjoyment these will bring you is catharsis knowing that it’s possible for someone else to be worse at art than you are.

Nevertheless, partake of the cringe as best you can.

Behold: one of the two dudes I will ever draw: my Arcane Odyssey MC, Kaden Ketch—the Eye of the Storm.

The *second* man I will ever draw: Eric from Decaying Winter.

Not a dude but a nerd, Ocea Twalk is from my own work of fiction. Also note that the “Sea Curse” note thing has nothing to do with the Arcane Odyssey version.


it isn’t bad at all, I dunno why you’re putting yourself down here lol.

Ego is something to be broken, thrown into the mud, and burned—for the sake of the individual and those around them*. Also, it’s the only bit of my humor that’s even marginally funny.

*I say this completely unironically. Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it’s source.

i like how you talk and you draw. you are interesting

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Finally, someone who doesn’t like their own art as well! (I think, me ain’t smart…)

Welcome to the club!

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hmm, i will look forward to this

Some more drawings, most of which I kinda just abandoned, hence the unclean quality. That said, sometimes the liney-sketchy look actually looks better? (Does anyone else feel this way?)

Breath of the Wild—Zelda and sleepy Link. Also yes, it is ZeLink, everything I do is basic, including my shipping. I intended to do more, but got bored, lol. Drawing two people is hard.

Drawn a few days ago

Elden Ring character—maidenless and doomed to suffer until I get good. (Basically eternal torment).

Also drawn a few days ago

So you saw the first piece of Ocea Twalk? She’s in the Black Iron Navy, so I decided to draw her in uniform and with her weapons. I also did a slightly less dressed version primarily to draw the Sea Curse on her (on her upper right leg).

Drawn about a month ago

(You may have noticed that her uniform changed—this is an updated, more recent version.)


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i’d say your art aint bad

give it a few months, practice and polish your style and you’ll look back and be proud of how far you’ve come :+1:

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i just came across this thread and i agree with ghostly, your art has its own quality to it and it’s good
the more you draw, you’ll see improvement

your digital work is also nicely done ^^

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Maybe I should make art I can actually post here…

Uhhh, maybe tomorrow I’ll see about making Eric from DW again, idk. I just got back into playing it (help).

Nevermind, I think I’ll just treat ya’ll now.

I literally never bother practicing expressions, hence why the most expressive my characters can be is either mildly irritated or smug. Here I tried to rectify that.

Done over the summer

Galatrix Gal. She’s a whaman, with abs. Need I say more?

Drawn nearly a year ago

Halloween Ladies, based on typical Halloween monsters.

Drawn this Halloween, gave up

Yes, the witch is drunk. Yes, you should take a close look at the leftmost bubble above her head.

A while ago, I asked Rubymax if I could use Ruby in a drawing… this was the result.

Simpery Inbound

I didn’t finish the colored version, I got lazy and caught up with other things. Sorry.


Took longer than I would have liked, but here’s Eric from Decaying Winter again.

Finished literally a minute or two ago

Full digital version.

Cropped digital version.

Traditionally drawn version.

Updated with the psychological profile.


I’ll post a higher resolution close-up of the Phycological profile tomorrow, rn I’m tired.


I’m starting to realize that if I want to post here often, I have to start drawing “forum-postable/friendly” pieces more than my uh…

Not forum-postables.

All art pieces are forum postable.

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Actually, that really depends on if you’re faster than the mods. If you’re good at it, you can actually post quite a few times😉

Okay, I am so horribly sorry that what you’re about to see is all I’ve done. I’m not even gonna defend it—it’s hideous and an art style considerably different from my standard. I decided to do something without lineart for once, and the results kinda just speak for themselves on it.

Backstory is this: with all the Dame Art going about, I figured I’d do one of her too. That said, I wanted to do something different for once, so I tried changing the art style into an insultingly bad attempt at a Renaissance style. True to Greek renaissance styles, I made the Dame’s pose a bit dramatic and muted the colors. I gave up after a bit—it just looked too awful and there wasn’t much I could do.

Brace yourself

Any and all criticisms welcome. Honestly, straight up insults too.

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