Elius fr?? No way my failboy could be that clean
… She’s an Elden Ring character. Not an Arcane Odyssey one.
Common radahn W
Ahahahah ahahah
im going to consume leonard mm yumme
I see blue scars. Uhm. Blue scars. Rennala?
Yup! You’ll notice it’s in a circular shape—like that blasted beam attack she uses.
Now, place your bets on the last two scars.
black one’s from maliketh or the godskins, I’m calling it
Okay, I just looked up what salute the Roman soldiers used (for Ravenna) and realized that MAAAAYYYBBEE I shouldn’t put that in the writing…
They have a custom salute now…
Ok but you do realize calvus would absolutely have them be doing that
“it is time for revenge, we must exterminate the winterveillis”
I hate how you both have a point.
So! Yesterday I challenged three forumers to PVP duels, for a grand total of eleven bouts.
Wanna guess how many I won?
epic rap battles of history!!
“yo yo yo, my name is kaden and im a lightning con-”
“Fire Surge!”
epic rap battles of history!!
“yo yo yo, my name is kaden and im a lightning con-”
“Golden Sparrow Thrust!”