Gank count

So recently i started playing rhe game again (two days ago) and currenrly i have been ganked aleady 4 times. Im going to keep count of when i was ganked here

can i also list my gank count here?

i have ganked 3 toxic players so far, hopefully 4 today or tomorrow

not me (yet) but ive witnessed like 3 different ganks in a total of 4 hours after beginning to play again

Sure anyone can say how.many people they have ganked or just vent about being ganked here

I got back on maybe a week ago and not too long after freeing a guy from execution we both got ganked by some warlock asyn dudes while trying to spar

I got ganked to negative bounty by a warlock when I just reached sailors for the first time (and my spawn was set there) :+1:

There should be an arcane odyssey speedrun called “gank%” which would be how fast you could get ganked after joining a server. I think i was ganked after abiut 30s of bejng in a nimbus server today

thats so cool

I’ve been jumped twice yesterday, though I managed to log before taking any damage both times and one of those times was Headless throwing a Sangdrasill Pulsar in my direction

Context: I’m a hero

I destroyed a hero’s camp marker at Toymaker Isle :grin: ! Best ganker ever fr :nod: !

teach me how you got so many people on you

I got ganked the moment I spawned in!

Magic (i have like 150k bounty and im thr leader of a clan so i think people just see me, see thr low player kills and immediatly gank me)

bruh if you don’t want gankers don’t hold on to the one number that’s intended to attract them