since it is pride month we might as well talk about AO’s characters kissing.
the balangay
Neviro and Morden, obviously. Morden likes him but doesn’t know how to deal with it so he is mean to Neviro, and Neviro likes Morden back but also doesn’t know how to express emotions properly.
he-he-he-hell nah
Someone post that video of their ships tweaking for no reason
iris and caessenia
it’s not really gay, but I have like 3 files with ships that use the trans colours
i fuckin remember when this was fuckin posted brb, gonna find a bridge
peak art
Idk, I feel like caravels and brigs with rams are pretty gay considering they can come from behind and stick a long object in another ship’s rear end
I honestly thought you meant actual ships. “Ships can be gay??”
kanye x kanye
whatever the name of the standard greek battle ship is
I thought you meant actual ships and was so disappointed when I clicked
i might’ve misunderstood
Revon x Calvus?
the Rowmoboat, the Slayboat, the Fagavel, the Kutch and the Queeradeer
male person with male person
female person with female person
me with captain edward kenton
hahahaha just kidding of course