Finally Gear Builder Update!
Only took me 3 months but welp.
The update adds jewels and a GUI to the gear builder.
Here’s the video about the update and announcement:
Website is the same at : AO Gear Builder
Github README for changelogs : GitHub - BobbyNooby/AOGearBuilder: Gear Builder for Arcane Odyssey. Currently updated for
Discord for AO Database / Gear Builder things : Arcane Odyssey Database Project
If you have any questions feel free to dm me on discord at @bobbynooby or join the discord server.
If you dont want to watch the video, heres a TLDR : Update cool, might need help for future so please help join discord, thanks for watching.
Babe, new gear builder update just came out
where is steel/titanium items and the several different pauldrons?
Can’t wait to use this build!
Bad stat buffs, even with the impossible 3 amulets, let alone 2.
Fine I’ll use this build instead
sadly you are going to have to revamp this in approximately 4 days
I laid down some proper groundwork this time so I should be fine… Hopefully… 
Still working on the databse, thats why i made the video to ask for help. If you’d like to help feel free to.
Thanks for bringing this up. I forgor about the amulet equip conditions
. Its fixed now.
post update builds be like:
228 more defense. while replacing intensity with attack size.
I thought there was less of a difference between Argos gear and Sunken.
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