General Argos is a really fun boss

Oh ok

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The one complaint I have is that sometimes general argos will get stuck under a pillar after he destroyed the floor under, making it possible to straight up cheese the fight.

Argos is fun because of:

  • His attacks make you dodge and block, but aren’t completely unfair
  • He doesn’t crumple like a thin sheet of paper (while not being a damage sponge either)
  • His arena is large and fits his fight, allowing you to use the environment (pillars) to your advantage
  • Fast paced fight :fire:
  • Good drops that make fighting him worthwhile
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You know the boss is actually fun when you actually forget you are underlvl’d but still have a fair chance at him

although I hate the stealth part


the stealth part is so stupid because you’ll fail jumps that are easy af

it’s really easy to die like one time I just got too close to the door and just died

skill issue ig?
idk bro i never died to it

argos honestly would have made for a better third boss… ngl…

fuck the forums

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