General Introduction

Hello there. I don’t really have a bunch of experience with forums, so don’t mind my incompetence. My main magic is probably Rose Gold (soon to be Metal when the revamp comes out) due to the fact it’s the magic on my (for post-revamp) magic build character… My personal endgame goal is to get all 3 of the (what I call) rare weapons for my future weapon build character… These are pretty much just the 2 boss drop weapons and Sunken sword. So far, I’ve managed to get the Oathkeeper (to level 80). I’ll gladly say ore about me in replies, if I’m there to see it.

Heyo, welcome to the forums. Noice oathkeeper. Have a cookie



Welcome to hell, you were sent here for a reason.


Welp rip

Thanks for the cookie my man. I’ve been needing it. Been eating too many oranges smh.

oranges, imagine…i feel ya

Oh god. Is this the result of me accidentally stepping on my dog’s tail?!

nah it was because of… Wait, you what?!

you DId WHAT?


It was an accident , I swear!

Oh god, what shall be my punishment?!

Yeah sure it was

@The_Legend_7.0 Take this! hands you magnum revolver

Open fire!

more cookies i guess, i cant really do anything else rn.

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie:


Let’s gooooo!!!

oh ok.


more machine gun noises

Wait, I handed you a revolver, how did you get tha-?

Wait when did we ha-

mmmaagiccc :mariomug:


Well uh, you must have some good magic then. Like, REALLY good.

you have no idea…

:raised_hand:t2: :mariomug:

vibe check engage