Welcome to the General Writing Subcategory! Anyone is welcome, and encouraged to write about…anything!
The General Writing Category is for anyone that wants to write a short story, journal, or whatever other literary works they wish. There are a few ground rules–
- Be Respectful to other authors! You and other members can critique each other, just be nice and don’t be overly toxic or mean about it.
- No NSFW, Major Gore and Inappropriate content in any writing you make.
- Any writing has to be within the WoM/AO Canon.
- Describe what your writing is before your title. Multi Chaptered Writing needs to also say what chapter you are posting as well. Examples are included below:
a. [Short Story] A Tale of Two Brothers
b. [Poem] Ironport
c. [Chapter 3] World of Magic: Clashing
To spice things up, there will be a WEEKLY WRITING PROMPT by yours truly that you can base your story on! Remember to label it “[Weekly Prompt] Story Name” to show it off!