Zamn howd you know im obsessed with headlesses?? is it because im a trader???
ok imma done for now, gonna do some animation for a dev now
lookin spiffy
You know my ign is Firranos so do the thing
IGN: KingCryonical
ik you got tons of my models lying around your studio…
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dude, you forgot mines.
Step One: Offer to do literly anything on the forums
Step Two: Get an overload of requests and 52 replys
Seriously tho, good work
Can I have mugshot. IGN dgrantgod
Sorry if this will get less post but rn me and some friends are working on our knockoff Devil Beater shit
if you mean IGN by roblox name then IandominusRex6308 (this name is old as shit)
IGN: hectopopobro
yeah you know this already