Get your own mugshot here!

All you need to do is send me your IGN and I’ll make a mugshot of your avatar, be aware that the clothes are all under my choice so don’t complain about the sense of fashion I have!

The example of a mugshot is below this message!

This ain’t a limited time thing, you can come over to this post again to get yourself a new mugshot! Ain’t that convenient?


IGN is StrongSunkenSword :nod:

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He looks like he is unironically going to say devious lick

Never said that unironically in my life :+1:

i wonder how you or anyone for that matter could make my avatar look anything other than goofy

ign: The_elment

ign: Theoofderp
Business man caught doing shady shit

Just drop your name and I’ll do it tomorrow after school B)

ign: thebikerdude2
i wonder what u’ll make of my ‘edgy’ profile



Username: racerblaze :sunglasses:

(without the :sunglasses:)

User: Divanochi

username: TheOuterversal

time to send you a friend request :smiling_imp:


so like it’s not an actual mugshot with characters holding a sign and what crime they commited?

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Yes my display name says catgirl what about it

this is cool


pls epic thanks
