Ghost poor shop

Ghost poor shop
convenience 4.0 4 fairness 4.0 4 trustworthiness 4.0 4

Lf: Sunkens. This is probably the only shop where you could buy guilds from, I should have done this a while ago


  • Pumkin fedora

Good enchant boss drops:

  • Hard exiled legging
  • strong minotaur helm
  • Hard minotaur helm

Meta items:

  • 2 powerful defense amulet
  • 2 power wizard pants
  • 1 hard wizard pant
  • 3 hard power amulet
  • 2 powerful wizard chest
  • 1 powerful power amulet
  • 1 hard defense amulet
    Guild selling
  • 1 guild with 400 infamy accepting sunkens or seasonals
  • 1 guild with 200 infamy accepting sunkens or seasonals obviously less value than above

Note: I know I’m poor you don’t need to remind me

green bow for sale individually?

yes sure


this is the best shop EVER
I got service within SECONDS
This was the most FAIR trade ive ever received
And this GHOST guy is the most TRUSTWORTHY man EVER
and then there was me thinking NOBODY was more trustworthy then Ryan Reynolds


i can give u like 4 different boss drops whatever ones u want for a hard defense amulet and hard exiled chest i need them both to be max lvl

Dm me on discord if you want to do it and we can discuss time and which drops u want

trading 5k crowns LOL


what you want from the two american day cap and glasses

he’s banned

he’s banned

OH ok

simply skill issue

look at this clown

bro why are you giving box 5 stars

I thought you didn’t like him

no stupid he’s the friendliest most fair and wealthy trader on the forums

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not

okay you’re being sarcastic

Yous the most un-convincing un-fair un-trust worthy trader I’ve ever god damn seen

Unfair rating

I honestly do not care

Ban sandal from rating shops fr

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