Ghostly's doodle thread

Forget studies and write lore

Also congrats on 600 posts lol

So happy while giving everyone around amputations. What is the key to hapiness?

I frigin loved that show man it was so good. I really need to watch season 2 soon


I’ve reread the manga dozens of times. The story is so good, every character is so goddamn likable and interesting. one of my favorite shows and my no.1 favorite manga series

world’s silliest teacher

nah that title would go to the normal looking guy who teaches the art of torture (yes that is an actual teacher in the series)

genderbent ocs :+1:


What does genderbent mean?

It’s just what’s stopping me is I kinda had my fill with the show and dont know if I wanna commit to another season unless theres a big cool major plotpoint that happens.
Now in saying that I could easily throw that out the window because I still love the show and the characters alot haha.

Basically the opposite gender of a character Im pretty sure

Also forgot to ask but I need to know what Mei would teach at the school XD

I would say something like geography. Mei in AO is a really good sailor so she’s really good at navigating

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can you draw miku please


Carlos looks cursed i need to bleach my eyes

Meng looks barely any different, still the : D war criminal

Vivian makes me want to adopt her even more

Caroline’s parents! Shannon is a beserker, Tony is a mage

Also, writing the rough draft of mei and caroline’s lore! This is the very first line of the draft

(It’s suppose to say “Whitesummit”, not “with summit”


Ya know you could have just backspaced and rescreenshot it right?

nah i think its funnier this way

buddy inspired me to draw parents for the twins…
