Ghostly's doodle thread

Is that my OC?

Lil sans x

My sona


Huh, not sure why people like to draw their sona as a cool version of themselves tbh. I prefer to draw myself like a poorly drawn stick figures just for laughs and giggles.

Or maybe I’m weird… :frcryin: but uh cool sona I guess.


I never really had one but if I did mine would literally just be the iceberg lettuce.

I can fix her

its just fun to interpret ourselves in different ways on the internet. like would i rather draw my exact irl self or would i wanna look like a neatly dressed lady who look like she ate squid ink

who is also a ghost blob

This is what you’re trying to fix


looking sleep deprived as hell :sob:

i could have been 6’ instead of 5’10 if i could sleep properly the past few years

sleep deprivation gang :speaking_head:

maybe thats why im short asf

6’1 (or 6’0.5, can’t remember exactly) here…
Nope. It doesn’t affect height, it seems.

fucking hell, i guess its just my asian genes

bruh fr i get like 9-10 hours of sleep and im 5’4 :sob:

Me too, kid.
I have no asian genes either my parents have DUTCH ancestors

Google, how do you spell gorj-




Mairimashita Iruma-Kun AU, ft. Mei as one of the teachers!

Im suffering as well!