Ghostly's doodle thread

i love them both very much even though i dont deserve one of them and the other can kill me in an instant

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Personification of joy and optimism

And the wise, seasoned warrior with a pretty good but also very slightly goofy mask

You deserve mei mei

hello chat im at my parents place in another country so i cannot digital art for a while. in the meantime, here’s random trivias of my characters

  1. despite being a water mage, keira cannot swim
  2. dragomir does not know what the pharses “getting laid” means. he think it means being born from chicken
  3. lawrence’s favorite meat is fish
  4. mei has a talent for ice skating, she’s also really good at making snowmen
  5. vincent likes drinking tea. his favorite tea is black tea
  6. caroline has really good aim with a bow despite being a warlock. she learns to have good aim from someone. this person is an upcoming character
  7. dragomir and mei have babyfaces
  8. in lore, lawrence’s bounty is 500,000 bounty
  9. dragomir would absolutely hate wearing suits
  10. the best artist out of all my files would be vincent, but he’s only about average
  11. if i make an Alice in Wonderland AU with these guys:
  • i want Dragomir to be Alice
  • Mei would be the mad hatter
  • Caroline would be cheshire cat
  • Vincent would be the white rabbit
  • Keira would most likely be the caterpillar
  • Lawrence would be march hare

You had one job

Dragomir having 1000 IQ

no wonder he’s a cat

Mei Mei casually owning every skill except for fighting, imagine being unable to beat Caroline

“Son, drink beer instead”


what about Lawrence

So if the navy sends a lightning user he’s dead, thankfully the Navy is even dumber than Dragomir

Do not invite him to any parties

I thought it would be Mei Mei considering Vincent literally has amnesia

Alice in Wonderland AU when

Does that mean i can just throw Keira into water and win, that sounds like something even Mei can do

he truly is smort

“How about no,”

Lawrence face reveal when his lore document drops and it gets 10 likes

He wouldn’t wanna go anyway, he has better things to do

Muscle memory

when i feel like pumping out art for a week straight again




We do not talk about the fight at the shining plains

Which country? I’m curious.
(If you don’t want to say that’s fine)

yeah i dont really want to say it on the forums, but i will say I live in asia

Still cannot art yet so here’s some memes,

some sus charts on here so uh heads up for those i suppose


These are honestly amazing. last one’s WILD but extra fucking funny
Also, mad respect to Vincent, the Aro/Ace champion of the Ghostly gang.

…And I’m a bit surprised Keira would immediately jump to the lovers conclusion with the body count, but then again I dunno what her friends are like.

Yeah that last one I was paranoid whether or not it’s too wild for the forums.

Keira actually had a boyfriend before her world got turned upside down! That’s why I would assume she think of it this way. Unlike me tho, first time I heard it I thought it relates to murder vgyvvghvvfgccfdglk

Take a look at the history of this place and ask that one again.

Oh yeah. I forgot this is the Arcane Odyssey Forums sometimes

nah, that’s how most people first hear it, dw. Body count usually is used in reference to murderers. It’s just also become a sex slang term somehow.

“what does bdsm mean?”
