Ghostly's doodle thread

Makes me chuckle looking at what innuendos of plans you have going on.

Some of the sketches of my most recent works


It really is strange, the range of ocs I have that is


I finally got off my ass and wrote a summary of Lawrence. It’s not very polish, I feel like I could have done better. But this is basically a synopsis so I won’t beat myself over it too much

Anyway, here’s Lawrence’s deckhands. I’ll talk about them more when I feel more energetic.

Red: Jake Weaver
Blue: Ursula Pickett
Yellow: Norman Ramsey
Green: Xander Hodge



I’m gonna read this bitch very soon and with eagerness

Pretty good.
I liked how you structured the backstory, and it actually works quite well with how you set everything up for the future.
I feel bad for Lawrence though. : (

I tried my best to express how tragic his backstory is, but I doubt I convey it at its full potential with this format.

I have another document that will describe things in more details that I might put out if I ever finish it. Kind of like a short novel of sorts. Either, now that the cat’s out of the bag I can draw anything I want without fearing for spoilers

I feel so bad for Larry, he needs a hug :sob:

now draw me and lawrence frolicking in a field of flowers :smiling_face:

do it yourself (i am in school)


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very wholesome /gen

Gonna talk about Lawrence’s crew for a moment

Xander: Engineer. Smartest of the crew. he likes creating and inventing stuff in his spare time. Usually he’ll stay up late to keep making lil trinkets. He also likes working with explosives
Norman: Enchanter. Nicest guy of the crew. It honestly baffles everyone on board how such a nice guy ended up working for Lawrence. He’s actually really strong though.
Ursula: Navigator. Most hard-working of the crew. Takes her job very seriously, though still acts reasonably. She makes sure everything on the ship work as it should.
Jake: Cannoneer, the most loyal follower Lawrence has. In lore he’s the quartermaster rather than a deckhand. He’s an excellent sniper, has amazing aim and instinct. He spent a whole year learning sign language so he can help people communicate with Lawrence. He owes his life to Lawrence after the former saved him from being executed.

Norman, Xander, and Ursula acts like Caroline’s auntie and uncles at time. They like to spoil her but it annoys Jake how much that gremlin is getting special treating, and in turn, becoming a troublemaker

This person is Jake. Caroline likes watching Jake train his aim, picking up a thing or two about shooting


Trivia time! Featuring a lot of Icarus stuff

Since Lawrence was outcast and hated for most of his life, he’s not really used to getting compliments. Whenever he does get a compliment, he gets really flustered.
Icarus has a sweet tooth.
Icarus likes watching birds and has many birds as pets.
Icarus is the shortest male oc I’ve made.
Caroline would 100% try to pick a fight with Icarus.
Jake used to smoke, but stopped after meeting Lawrence.
Jake has great aim with anything, even a sandal.
If all of Lawrence’s crew challenge him to a wrestling match, he’d break all their arms even if all 4 of them are against him at the same time.


I know I’ve just returned to the Forums but I can marry these guys? :eyes: :pray:

sorry they’re all very loyal to their boss :sweat:

So they’re married to Lawre-

I specialize in 3 different types of Icarus