Ghostly's doodle thread

Last one is a secret condition during the boss fight.

It happens if deal 2k+ damage all at once to him, or one-shot all of his soldiers.

That’s his reaction to you eating a bird in front of him

Some doodles today, once again I’m sorry for the God awful qualities


Wh… Why do you say that?
There are people out there that dreams to have drawing skills at least like this.
I do hope that this was said for comedic purposes.

No i meant the photo quality itself, my camera is very bad
the pictures look pretty grainy than what i wanted :sweat:

Oh, that’s what you are referring to.
I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!

nah nah its all good dw :+1:
thank you for the compliments too!

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For some reason this series of sketches reminds of one of my favorite games called “Sky: Children of the Light”

very pretty game, also very much fits Icarus’s vibes (minus the racism part :fire::fire:)



just bought the new season pass and im devastated i cant get the fuckinngng pibo cape :broken_heart:

Icarus when some OP sea dweller with the most broken ass stat build and weapons humbles his racist ass

Wait, Skyhallians don’t eat birds as a source of food? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Imagine if all skyhallians are vegan lmao.

i tried making a new brush today! i am in love with how it feels.
all these were made only using the brush


Give me more of a painting-esque feel and I really like it.

hello chat ive come to inform you that for the past 10 days i’ve made around 10 Icarus art

I’ve made more Icarus art in the span of 10 days than ive made art of ANY other ocs I’ve had for months


if you want to stop drawing somebody who lives up high, get your head out of the clouds. I’m sure it’ll help.

bro obsessed with drawing twinks

Women and twinks, my favorite thing to draw