Gillian, the Cursed Knight - A Unique Enemy with Several Drops

Gillian, the Cursed Knight - A Unique Enemy with Several Drops
effort 5.0 8 quality 4.5 8 reasonability 2.714285714285714 7

I hate to say it, but that’s true. Power+Defense is a combination on one set of gear that should never exist, because of the nature of both stats.

Power+Size? That’s alright. Defense+Attack Speed? Sounds good. But it just doesn’t make sense for both power and defense to be together.

I don’t see the concept. Is the whole concept just a special enemy that randomly spawns on islands?

yea pretty much.
Special bounty encounter with special drops and dialogue.

something that feels just as missing from the game as legendary ships.

If that’s it, then I’d be disappointed if something like that wasn’t already planned. Raid boss style bosses sounds pretty cool, but the takeaway I got from this suggestion was “look at my OC idea”.

Okay, now THAT sounds pretty cool.

It’d be nice if we could get special NPCs that will show up around the sea that we can fight, like Averill and Trigno in AA/AR. We could have met a legendary pirate at Sailors Lodge and that would have given us the chance to hunt them. Maybe I’ll make a suggestion for that myself.

Legendary ships were in AA and they’ll be here too.
I mean a bounty/assassination equal to them.

Unless you have a specific idea for a legendary ship there isn’t much reason to make a suggestion to add legendary ships lol.

Alright buddy, if you want to break the game then go ahead

how is 9 power and 157 or something defense going to break the game lmfao

because you get both. The entire trade off of boss gear is that they give power OR defense. Having both makes that question pointless, as you can get loads of power while still having good health

Any amount of power with defense is not a good idea.

Strong Cernyx chest gives 230 HP and 7 power(?)

A hard Gillain chest gives 232~ HP and 9 power(or maybe this is wrong, I’ll have to check how much defense hard gives). This is a problem.

yeah but cernyx also gives more agility and attack speed (i think it’s attack speed)

It’ll be hard to make unique armors, but power and defense shouldn’t go together, at least not on the same gear.

can’t you just lower the stat scaling until it’s balanced

Then it would just suck.

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