Gimme ur sunkens / boss drops

Yes gimme them.

I have stuffs to trade. yes.

dm Balls#1118

No give them to me :nod: reqiume#3662
jk give them to drama

You’ve all been fooled, I’m the one they should be given to :fr:

ok Calico_Cat

Context please, don’t shit on people without context.

Here’s ur context image

Well that’s a dumb trade but it’s not good for your image if you go around accepting trash trades when you know it’s a bad trade

because you’re being toxic to my ally, i’m afraid that roselight kind of will not trade with you like ever… get dunked on

calico cat bein toxic smh smh

The actual context lmao


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what the actual FUCK is that trade

I have no idea what you are talking about.

he never got my joke :frcryin:

You really should learn to disguise yourself better…

thats a blatant scam for the other person. @darkz
you overpriced your jerichos for THAT much? wow… disgusting tbh…

Will you take strong for clean

sorry, but can you specify a bit more?

Strong sunken chest for clean sunken chest or boots

I’m gonna have to decline that. It’s a direct downgrade… sorry