Gimme ur sunkens / boss drops

this shits why i just exposed you as
calico cat
someone who has people horrendously overpay.

you suck man. i’ll make sure nobody i know trades with the likes of you.

well its not exposing me as just calling my trades crap lol
plus i made these just so people can see lol its not like you did some actual digging on me as you just looked at my top likes and saw what i post

plus those people wanted those WOJS

then why are you using an alt?

where’s @Calico_cat

hes long dead

that is quite the statement.

so was when i was with ya mama last night
(may have taken it too far)

your immaturity speaks for itself. refrain from making yourself look idiotic.

thats what i said to yo mama

like I said, cease.

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