Give a shadow user a backstory that isn't edgy as hell

when the shadow user is a “typical politician”

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He lived as a fisher when he unlocked his firs mind. shadow magic.
He was excited about having a magic but also sad it was shadow. He decided that he would live with it. He then went to his mom and dad who were still happily married after 20 years and said he was going on an adventure to explore the world with his magic.

That or the Knight’s backstory in Hollow Knight. He comes to the town and goes around collecting powerful shadow abilities so he can go kill a giant light moth.

brooo necor psot

ok ill make one

@anon1881879 is the necroer

One day, Felix was outside with his parents(both of them), walking his dog, when he saw a dark wizard mugging some guy.

The dark wizard walked up to him and said:
So Felix punched him in the face, got shadow magic, and became the king of all magius.
Then, he started sailing… he became the king of the world!
it wasn’t enough.

He sailed farther, farther out, even into space.

Felix?”, said Felix’s mom.

Felix? Are you there?”, spoke his mother, once again.

As Felix opened his eyes, his mother informed him of what happened.

Oh, here’s how it actually went down.

“You shouldn’t rob people of their hard earned money.” , said Felix.

Then, Felix attempted to punch the dark wizard in the face, but he thoroughly missed, broke his hand, and got shot in the face with a wind blast knocking him out. However, the contact with magic awakened him, and he accidentally shot a shadow blast at the dark wizards face as he lost conciousness, which deterred the dark wizard.

“Kid, promise me you’ll never do that again.”, said Felix’ dad.

“Sorry. I don’t even know what got into me.”, said Felix.


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short story

hey its done

not edgy. cool.

worlds clumsiest ambitious shadow wizard: felix!

I mean they could just be a quiet and reserved person. Shadow magic would suit that kind of person well

Either that or they just rolled shadow in the metaphorical lottery

they are an introvert. that is their backstory.

should I make an actual story about felix
cuz im bored

why not.


Micah is someone who enjoys all kinds of spooky stories of ghosts and the macabre, he loves reading and making them with his friends and that love for these cryptid tales evolved and mutated his magic energy to shadow magic, which he regularly practices in hopes of spooking and pranking his friends and family with. He isn’t very good at it, but he’s getting there.

ig i’ll give my own spin and then proceed to make a file off of it cause i can do that and i need another conjurer lmao

for the one that immediately came to mind is the searing blazing heat and light of the deserts. could be a wanderer that likes to traverse the desert in a nomadic fashion of sorts and helps provide shade and coverage for ppl in caravans.

could also use his combat experience outside of caravans and help out the city/town he’s in and make sure nothing amiss goes on and about while he happens to be there. could be doing these things instead of sleeping cause of them being an insomniac and might as well do smth productive.

the first obvious one is that he’s a mage but since i want a conjurer and a desert theme at somepoint paired with fitting the plot and theme just make him good with weapons that he then extended with his magic for the best of both worlds.

it’s easy to be edgy but also generally being really easy to not be edgy at the same time

little timmy is doing a shadow magic review for his bussin youtube channel with a massive 14 subscribers.

Can this count?

DubiousLittleTyp0 picked shadow because it was conceptually pretty cool + it didn’t give him eyestrain if he looked at it for a while.

also it complimented the sacrifice vibe well
