Give a shadow user a backstory that isn't edgy as hell

I will be waiting

just don’t have some elaborate backstory

backstories are almost always shitty to begin with

He woke up one day with shadow magic


one sec pls


idk, my shadow user kinda woke up one day with a bad headache and then accidentally annihilated a family of 3

alright maybe the last part was kinda edgy but still
it’s the best i’ve got without getting all cutesy

Now i’m dipping peace :relieved: :raised_hand:

you don’t need bloody murder for something not to be cutesy
thats still just a shitty and overly edgy backstory

all backstories suck anyways

All characters in WoM basically wake up with magic and go on a mass genocide, except you kill bandits and dark wizards as a good rep and bounty hunter and wizards as a bad rep.
…And this is the best backstory I’ve ever seen.


this shadow user used to be a pizza chef
and discovered his powers when he was making a pizza pie when he accidentally destroyed the pizza with his magic (oh no)
“mamma mia my-a pizza is-a ruined… -a.”
he thought he could become really strong and powerful but nah he just kinda wanted to make pizzas


Jesse Rust

She uses Shadow Magic
she was a normal wizard until someone said Shadow is for edgelord
and thus she becomes an outlaw

I mean mine’s a light user who is gonna have shadow as a second magic so it ain’t really that edgy…

But a legit shadow user?

They were simply born with it. They looked at the shadows and saw them, not as a weapon for destruction, but way to heal. A power for good, not evil. A shield, not a sword.
And they succeeded. A hero.

The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.

got a shadow magic whose story revolves around “being the shadow of everyone/people around him”

and ended up as a mc captain

Shadow users’s parents die. He will take revenge for the murderer. :sunglasses:

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but shadow user is the mermderer. gasp

plert twost

how very evel


The shadow user cast out all but his most ingrained anger, sadness, fears into his shadow magic.
Making him the nicest guy :smiley:


Once there was an EViL shadow user. He was so EviL that it wrapped all the way around back to good.


i really wanna see a colorful, happy with a nice personality shadow user lol, that would be a funny contrast


Omg no how could this be!!!

Once upon a time there was a kid that looked up to the magic council, that kid was a shadow magic user. He trained and became a magic council soldier.
The end.