Give Arleyborg a unique title for his absurd achievement

Give Arleyborg a unique title for his absurd achievement
effort 4.975609756097561 41 quality 5.0 42 reasonability 5.0 44

I’m not picky

i dont wanna fish anymore after seeing how much this guy has, feels like all the 3k fish ive fished up is a pitiful amount.

i only have 3k fish caugh :frcryin: dont feel bad

Vex should also add cookies!!! :cookie:

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The BurgerTown Manager, he deserves a special future clan structure (for when the update arrives)

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This man has COOKED. Give him the icon

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Cooking master arlyborg

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A friend of mine said this and I kinda liked how it sounded

he did it. he needs the reward.
name? maybe it could follow the champion name and be something like cooking champion.

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Chef de Cuisine


Why has bro got so much free time :skull:

it never ends

It was more like 300 hours, I wouldn’t wish this fate upon anyone else

Give this man his achievement, and also make him an npc in sailor lodge as a master cook


Make it happen (Gordon Ramsey)

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That would be badass

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Do it.


Give man his title :sob:

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You deserve the title. Also, GIB FOOD PLZ.

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