Give Content Creators ELYSIUM ACCESS

Give Content Creators ELYSIUM ACCESS
effort 1.75 12 quality 2.333333333333333 12 reasonability 2.846153846153846 13

ok but we’re missing the important stuff, SKY BRIG

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since you seem to think in rouge and deepwoken terms, here :

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bro is literally going off topic

requirements should be strict for this
and no offense but i’ve never heard of your channel so i dont think you meet the requirements

same entitled person asking for a title and a private server posting unrelated “lol meme reaction post”
insanely mature and deserving user

that’s not really relevant to the discussion if i’m being completely honest
i’m perfectly fine with there being requirements

bait used to be good ong

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  • enters
  • roasts someone
  • doesnt elaborate further
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gonna be real i didnt scroll down to see the discussion i just input my opinion on the actual suggestion

i cant even tell if you’re baiting or cannot debate anything

this is kind of how it should be

you just rambled for a bit about rogue lineage and completely ignored that AO has none of the problems that you described as the causes for RL’s private servers killing the game.

you’re directly wrong but ok

im just gonna leave at this point see yall

  • fuck all of you :heart:
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which is being reworked

sadly, still a problem atm ;-;

we appreciate the sentiment

Hey look, a pissing contest!

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your arguments are bad gang

you keep comparing arcane odyssey to deepwoken when they are literally completely different games with very few similarites

nobody in their right minds is going to hide in elysium specifically so they can craft potions and make food

there’s no permadeath so pvping in a closed environment doesn’t even give you an edge against other people
you sound against the idea of elysium itself (pvp arena free from maingame lag) and are just attempting to de-rail anyone else getting access to it.

This is a middling suggestion. Kind of reasonable, not very inspired and asking for a role for creating content is kind of lame. Just wait for when Elysium is public.

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why is completely pointless drama in suggestions so common all of a sudden.