Give Content Creators ELYSIUM ACCESS

Give Content Creators ELYSIUM ACCESS
effort 1.75 12 quality 2.333333333333333 12 reasonability 2.846153846153846 13

The Proposal

I am fully aware that elysium will be open to the public eventually, but people who make content for the game should at least be provided that luxury if nothing else.
Incase you didn’t know, I’m archrono, an arcane odyssey youtuber

Me and a lot of other content creators, (Aimsell, Magmurr, Femsell, Arisell, Territory, ArceyPlayz) have all expressed a ton of interest in hosting community events for our fans, (AO PLAYERS :scream: :astonished: :exploding_head: ), but usually have a lot of trouble getting servers that AREN’T laggy and can actually fit the people we want inside of them.
This is why I propose giving us access to elysium, along with the ability to kick people from the server if we choose, (so events don’t get griefed) that shows our status as content creators. Nothing else, not even like a custom name. Currently the only content creators that can are selectorch and maplestorm, who i’m pretty sure are either testers or mods.

Thank you for reading this suggestion, (if you didnt scroll up bro) and I hope vetex actually sees this. If you happen to be vetex reading this and it’s a no, please tell me why.

I’ve removed the suggestion of giving ytbers an ingame title, as the idea seems to get a LOT of people worked up at something that seems very simple in concept and doesn’t provide any benefits other than being cosmetic


the deepwoken private server thingy

not even a private server we just wanna do events

give yourself a round of applause for being my first Suggestions 1-star

how is this a bad suggestion

see: Rogue Lineage

Elysium access seems pretty easy if you have good connections with people, so I don’t see many problems with giving content creators access (maybe they can fill servers that already have something else going on but idk how the elysium servers work).

I don’t know what to think of letting content creators kick players, but it sounds fair enough. If certain content creators abuse it then mods can individually remove their permissions.

letting us host events for our fans is bad??
elysium has nothing game related in it

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Its gonna be public eventually anyways.
There is absolutely no reason to lock this off to anybody.

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also holy shit your ego needs to get stomped on

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are you going to say anything productive or no?

if vetex is feeling generous
are you just illiterate

this suggestion is awful lmfao

and you’re yet to name a single reason why.

text in post

content creators dont deserve even one single privilege on the game, thats about it


content creators getting ingame titles is incredibly normal.
(also it hurts nobody.)

what’s rogue lineage got to do with anything?
who cares if PvP in the main game becomes less common lol?

“this is commonplace now, so it’s a fine idea”
yea people get shot all the time, does that mean we should encourage it?

having a title could literally make me a target
Ive already gotten jumped by streaming and had to 1v6

that is a godawful analogy.