…have you tried?
yes lol
its easy if you know testers or have close friends that know testers and are active in the PvP scene.
mmm nah. just ask a tester or host at munera
I’m okay with Content Creators having access to Elysium Servers atm, it would need to have some prerequisite to be eligible for it like a certain subscriber count threshold, number of videos/views, and the channel being AO related (similar to how Phantom Forces Content Creator role works)
Example Prerequisite
Subscriber - 5-10k Subs
Channel Views - 100k Views
Channel Theme - Only AO Related Content
Yeah, Elysium will eventually be accessible to people, but I think this will only be the case when Vetex adds raid bosses, which I don’t think it will come anytime soon. Making Prime version of bosses eats away at development time that could be used for story progression and other features needed. While Raid Bosses in Elysium is a pretty cool idea, it is just a side feature at the end of the day and is most likely sidetracked by Story Updates and the works
I really don’t see that much loss with this, since I also think some Testers/Mods can be really really egotistical and toxic, meaning there won’t be much of a difference with power tripping Content Creators. I don’t think this will make Elysium too much of a casual thing either IF there’s strict requirements for the Content Creator Elysium Access role, there’s only so much popular AO only Youtubers out there. Even then, not everyone is gonna be friends or have access to a Tester/Mod/Content Creator 24/7
Though at the end of the day, I don’t really care what happens in Elysium, but would be nice to get more chances to use it atm. Until now I shall keep grinding Dark Sea
It surely can’t be that hard to DM the dozens of online testers or ask around if anyone is in elysium in the discord
no he’s right i would say no, i have better things to do.
lets not try to be virtuous here
You would think that a suggestion made with literally only good intentions wouldn’t be so controversial
the fact that I even have to argue for this says quite a bit about arcane odyssey’s community
So what happens if we do get elysium access? I can stream pvp sessions easier? There’s literally 0 downsides to this and a couple bad eggs have decided that THIS is the worst suggestion of all time
acknowledging the problem and then saying, “well its a problem, no harm in letting more people contribute”
id rather everyone get private servers than just locking it to few people
just host at munera or orthrys? i swear elysium is overrated
Your intentions are selfish though? It only concerns self proclaimed AO superstars getting these privileges, and not the common man or clan leader.
Don’t you guys also have to close the server once people are done with it
if you want to call everyone disagreeing with you “a couple bad eggs” sure, even if you have good intentions the issue is still with the premise
i literally said that tho??? oh also hi
nah, i’ve seen much worse suggestions than this
the difference between elysium and any main game location is night and day.
my ego isnt that inflated yet trust me
i still have to fight my ganks alone without goons to call
There are many reasons to prefer a dedicated pvp server over munera
- Can fit more players due to random players being unable to fill up spots
- More performant
- More difficult to grief the event