Give me back my trusted lads perms

@DubiousLittleTyp0 gets to keep his trusted lads perms but not me this is bullshit biased moderation unfair


WHAT why did urs get removed

I don’t trust you

have you tried lobbying for type to have the same punishment instead and revoke his trusted lads perms since you both got muted for spam

the topic category may say suggestion but make no mistake
this is a DEMAND

as someone who consumed bread this morning, i agree that AwesomeOS should regain his so called trusted lad permissions

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I think you should get 7 points.

i think you should get 8

I think you suck ass at pvp

i think you should get a job :joy_cat:

you arent missing out on a lot

beam is just talking about jacking off

and he acts like he’s better than me :skull:

Oh yeah I should get tl3 back too.

how did you lose it

I got in trouble for spam a few times, like when I posted 6,500 McDonald’s locations and the entire wikipedia article on ethics. I don’t remember which one got my regular taken away, or if it was just the accumulation of flagged posts.

lmao whaaattt

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He triggered the bot’s auto-silence from how fast he was sending messages, and once a user’s been silenced they can’t get regular back for 6 months (like being suspended)

I still have regular just not trusted lads perms
Also he was doing it too smh