Give me Characters to Defend

ermmmm they technically ARE an au character, the protagonist

Screw it


already done, Acheron. Edit: sorry I’m using lore accurate names.

why not

Because I’m not defending real people who have done irl degeneracy. Opiti was becuase it was in game. This is the last I will comment on this topic.


can you be my lawyer and defend why I used my waffle magic to destroy the entire town of Archaxios

Sure under what category do you qualify?

Loss of loved ones
Nation under your control whose interests would be benefited
Loss of control due to a curse
Humanity despising deity whispering in your ear
Raised by secretive order bend on world domination
Societal pressure from your superiors
Having a silly goofy mood

If any of these motivated the destruction of that innocent town, I can guarantee* to get you acquitted.

*Do note I have no legal authority and am wanted in several countries for crimes against the Grand Navy.

Bronze and Wings Law Firm: Just Because They Were Orphans Doesn’t Mean They Weren’t a Threat.

Yeah I see you as a guy who got the 1.25million fame for deckhands without pvp, and continued to do this until the deckhand update

Nah I’ve never gotten above 400k, but yeah I did get some deckhands before the update, and then had to grind another 300 criminals to get back up to captain. Then again in the Nimbus update. Exploiters man, ruining my Navy drip.

Yeah since I’m not focusing on fame anymore I don’t have to fight any more exploiters than the one when I was on the leaderboard. All the hunting from the past though has left me now with 300 rival defeats

Well they were threatening genocide against a bunch of innocents who couldn’t defend themselves so I just struck first, and hard.

the “syruped corpses” incident is what they call it, survivors tell me I’m a monster for what I did, but they didn’t seem to care when their expansionist plans called to just plow the innocent villagers out of the way.

btw I may have uh sort of put the head of the Archaxian king on a stake and paraded around the town I sundered while singing “do you like waffles”

You ever hear of Rome? Well they also believed in preemptive strikes, in the pursuit of peace. Your honor my client was simply following in the Roman tradition of Pax Romana and the Roman triumph. This man saved an entire population that would have been otherwise destroyed by these … looks at notes … Archaxians. He has committed no wrong in my eyes and actually did the world a service. Remember it’s only a war-crime if you loose.

(obvious joking tone is obvious)


I think I spared all the children & families too.

hopefully I wasn’t really paying attention I kinda just steamrolled all the industrial parts of the kingdom with a giant waffle and I was sort of in the heat of the moment

I might’ve crushed like an old person or two

And I definitely brutally murdered the entire royal family

But I’m still fine right?

drifa did nothing wrong

Eh they were royals if they didn’t die in war they would have died in revolution. With the others … chalk them up to unavoidable casualties.

Full pardon.

VIVA LA REVOLUCION! (Wait that’s French I gotta do sudoku now)

Go and defend the grand navy’s “collateral damages” (murder of thousands for the sake of catching one petty thief)

Grand Navy: Okay listen I know a lot of people say the Navy is rotten to core. However, I disagree. I think it’s only from bad actors. Remember this is not based on any real life police force, and they only go after those who have proven to commit crimes. Remember there’s no real ambiguity when someone commits crimes in this world, for some reason. Granted the destruction of the town that Edward had blockaded should not have happened, however, I doubt that was a direct order from any credible higher-ups. It was a seemingly isolated incident, and Edward himself says he still believes the Navy as a whole is good for the War Seas. The Grand Navy is focused on keeping peace on the seas, they are allowed into towns for the express purpose of catching criminals that have forfeited any allegiance to a kingdom. I doubt that a petty thief in the Ravennan markets would result in an entire fleet being sent. That would be handled by the Legion or whatever personal law-enforcement Ravenna has. The Navy goes after notorious thieves and murderers, many of whom have magic which means you either need a magic user yourself or numbers. We know from Silverhold they do have some form of court system, most likely a military tribunal which while not the fairest works when you have people shouting at passers-by that killing is a game to them. Overall the Navy is beneficial to the War Seas as they keep piracy lower than it would be otherwise.

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Okay here’s a question, cause I think this is a pretty interesting topic of debate, do you yourself think Cursebeard was doing the right thing?