Give me Characters to Defend

Do I think that Cursebeard was correct in creating the curses? No, honestly I think that giving humans access to that much free destructive power is arrogance and avarice to the extreme. He wanted to be greater than the Olympians, and granted they weren’t doing the best job of things. I.E giving humanity magic in the first place. Honestly all Cursebeard did was exacerbate an already terrible situation. There’s also the fact that without the existence of curses (and speculatively the war of the gods) Acheron would have never existed. That’s my feelings on the matter anyways.

Counterpoint, he gave us 4 good games and a future book series

True, but I’m looking at this from a watsonian perspective. Not doylist. Though I am indeed thankful for Arthur’s contributions to the story.

What does that mean I was making a joke

“Watsonian” and “Doylist” are general terms in media analysis that allow one to specify the framework through which one is tackling a question: whether one is looking at a narrative conundrum through the lens of the author (Doylist) or in the context of the fictional world in which the narrative takes place (Watsonian)." (atundratoadstool).

Work cited
atundratoadstool. “Where Wild Flowers Grow of Their Own Accord.” Tumblr, 27 Sept. 2022, What do people mean by Watsonian and Doylist interpretations of Dracula? – @atundratoadstool on Tumblr. Accessed 14 Sept. 2024.