Give me ideas (not a suggestion, I will decapitate you)

So yeah I’m bored so I decided to think of an idea that could make AO cooler. This is NOT a suggestion as I am not telling or asking vetex to add them, I am merely following the guidelines for this and giving a concept of what I could look like if it was implemented, however (if) suggestions open, I will repost this there (with the stolen ideas :smile: ). This is still NOT a suggestion and I will find you IRL and send a suggestion to your parents to put you up for adoption if you report it as one.

Concept (Not a suggestion) Magic Shape Customization

So basically I was bored and tried thinking of a suggestion that could make AO more customization-based, making it more immersive.

Magic shapes would allow you to change the shape of the attack of a certain spell, it’s somewhat like changing the shape of explosions (I.e shockwave, pillar, etc.) but this does not change the hitbox, damage, or anything about the magic

These magic shapes would be obtained by various means, Defeating a certain boss could unlock a new shape, getting a certain achievement could unlock a new shape, Exploring can unlock a new shape, There can be some easter eggs that unlock magic shapes, Even some sealed chests/ normal chests can give scrolls that unlock Rare magic shapes

So now that I have explained the concept, here is what the shapes would be


These are the shapes for the blasts and how they are obtained/ what they would look like

Closely looks like a generic fireball seen across most fireball magic in every single game with magic, Looks somewhat like a circle but has a curved end with many spikes
Obtainment Method: Naturally obtained at level 5

Star shape looks like… a star, a generic pentagram star that has a slight glow to it
Obtainment method: Obtained by having your camera angled at the night sky for at least 5 nights total

A shape that looks somewhat like a coiled-up snake
Obtainment method: Obtained in chests

A ball that has a fin on the top of it, and also has eyes and the mouth of a shark
Obtainment method: Be killed by any sea creature

Looks like a plus sign ( + )
Obtainment Method: Naturally obtained at level 20

Looks like a minus sign ( - )
Obtainment method: Naturally obtained at level 20

Looks like a normal blast but has “craters” on it
Obtainment Method: Found in chests

Looks like a normal blast but has a slight aura around it that represents the aura of the sun seen in almost every generic cartoon where the sun has an “aura” around it
Obtainment method: Found in chests

Looks like a ball of string wrapped around itself
Obtainment method: Found in chests

Looks similar to the slashes from the oath keeper
Obtainment method: Found in chests

Looks like a flying bee
Obtainment method: Destroy 30 trees with magic

Looks like a fly (insect)
Obtainment method: Eat any of the “mistake” foods

Looks like a dagger
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like a sword
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like an ax
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like a scythe
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like a forked Trident
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like a spear
Obtainment method: found in sealed chests

Looks like a katana
Obtainment method: found in sealed chests

looks like a wooden wheel
*Obtainment method: Found in chests

looks like industrial gears (like in factories)
Obtainment method: Found in sealed chests

looks like a VERTICAL tornado
Obtainment method: Get trapped in a tornado

looks like a human skull
Obtainment method: Die 50 times

Looks kind of like the eye of Cthulu from terraria
Obtainment method: Reach maximum insanity

Looks like a hand with the palm facing straight (as if I were trying to grab someone), and somewhat like a fireball before it reaches the arm
Obtainment method: Reach maximum insanity

Looks like a butterfly
Obtainment method: found in chests

looks like a flying bird
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like a ball, however, has a core, the outer part is mostly transparent while the core is a deeper/ darker color and none, transparent (lighter for shadow or any "completely dark magic)
Obtainment method: found in chests

Looks like an arrow
Obtainment method: Found in chests

Heart: Shoot out what looks like a heart-shape facing towards the direecting that it is being shot at
Obtainment method: Found in chests

Looks similar to wisp, however, the outside is more similar to a fireball than a circle
Obtainment method: get hit by a meteor (those exist in AO, right??)

Ball shape that has either Darker or light patches around it (Note: some magics may affect this [I.E: Light magic has rings, wind magic makes the planet have a noticeable red spot, like on juipter]
Obtainment Method: Found in sealed chests OR somehow fling yourself at least 5000m into the sky

Looks like a normal Plate/ dish; flat
Obtainment method: Eat any food

Looks like a fish, actually may change fish depending on magic (such as Light might be some form of anglerfish, Wind might be some form of flying-fish, etc.)
Obtainment method: Can be obtained by fishing (1/100 chance)

Shaped like a donut
Obtainment method: Found in chests


These are shapes for the beams and how they are obtained/ what they look like

The beam trail will zig-zag and go in random directions (Very quickly) before going straight towards its destination
Obtainment method: Naturally obtained at level 90

Shoot out a beam that has the head of a snake at the end
Obtainment method: Found in chests, only at level 90+

Shoot out a beam that seemingly has scales and the head of a snake at the end
Obtainment method: Reach the level cap (For example let’s say the level cap was set to 200, you would have to hit level 200)

Only applicable for multi-beams, shoot out a shape that looks like a squid tentacle
Obtainment method: Be killed by any sea monster in the Dark sea at level 90+

Shoot a beam that has a hand, similarly to the blast version, at the end
Obtainment method: Reach Maximum insanity

So yeah that is what I have so far, my biggest issue is that I can’t think of any for Beams and I don’t really have any for other magic types, so I want you to reply to this post with any ideas you might have so I can eventually add them (when suggestions in open) *[ I will credit you if you want when suggestions release]

Oh yeah btw any feedback is appreciated

TLDR; funny magic shapes because cool customization (also not a suggestion)


I dunno mate, seems like a suggestion to me :thinking:

In all seriousness though, the line between discussion of concepts and suggestions is pretty blurred on the forums so :man_shrugging:

Unlockable magic customization is an interesting topic though, I’d personally like to see each magic type having their own unique unlockables on top of a couple all round ones.
That way I can look like a tryhard even more than I already do.


theres a lot of these and person i think they should all be obtained thru sealed chests :100: :100: :100: :sleeping:

Literally the main reason I want this, I want to become even more of an edgelord with my katana shape + shadow :smiling_imp:

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pretty sure Vet comfirmed it, you’ll unlock it through leveling up

it’s only for cosmestic tho it seems

Oh damn, still good then

Well at minimum i atleast want this to be an IDEA (not a suggestion) of what some of the shapes can look like, I feel like unlocking them through only leveling up would be pretty dull

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oh cool easter egg

ah yes the good old “this thing’s shape has no pratical usage but it looks cool so i shall use it”

sounds pretty fun

interesting idea…?

“ah yes the good old “this thing’s shape has no pratical usage but it looks cool so i shall use it””

might be too similar to Conjurerer’s magic infused weapon skills

why tho ? bees are quite helpful to the environment, in fact-

wait a minute-

you monster.

might as well as adding the cockroaches while you’re on it

im joking please dont do that


im not afraid of them or anything but please dont do that

simple, but nice enough

interesting idea… ?

no fr tho it sounds pretty interesting

earth and metal might look pretty weird

my edgy a$$ approved this

i love this

i love this

i love this

““ah yes the good old “this thing’s shape has no pratical usage but it looks cool so i shall use it”””

i love this

simple, but good enough



they do yeah

““ah yes the good old “this thing’s shape has no pratical usage but it looks cool so i shall use it”””


Trigno approved

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
why only multi beams tho ?



Type: Blast
Appearance: The shape of a large stick but it glows depending on the magic you use
Use: Like blast it works, but has a much longer range and has penetration but damage is reduced (Can cause bleeding)
Obtainment: Obtain a Javelin through a sealed chest or a quest

The concept of a bass boosted blunderbuss


Btw im gonna be adding stuff overtime so yea

At magic level 150 you should be able to shoot more than one blast at a time. not like 20 blasts that is spaced but like right next to each other. It is capped at 3 until further magic levels

That would be sick ngl

kraken cosplay :nerd_face:

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