Give me some humor

Here’s a funny joke. Your phone constantly tracks your location, and is easily hackable if you know what you’re doing. If you’ve ever connected to the forums on mobile, your phone is already being tracked 24/7 by a program I made a few years ago. I also created a program that can remotely take over all Teslas near a location and use their autopilot functionality to hunt down and run over anyone with their phone on them. It’s a wonder what you can do with Scratch. Anyways, if you don’t laugh at my very funny joke, I will use this program to turn you into roadkill, along with everyone you’ve ever made eye contact with. You have 12 hours to either laugh or write your goddamn will.



Posting a gif in which you are represented by a character without skin is very appropriate given the situation. You have 11 hours and 56 minutes.

joke on you i forgot the password and havent log into the forum on my phone since last year

What does the sign on an out-of-business brothel say?

Beat it. We’re closed.


Your phone is still in the system. You have 10 hours and 54 minutes.

so Spiderman is chasing a criminal who uses powers to jump an electric fence.
Spiderman runs after him but realizes they are in the country so he can’t spider swing.
He doesn’t read the signs and climbs the fence
Spider-man dies that day.

I like this one.

I work at an abortion clinic pizzeria where yesterday’s loss is today’s sauce.