Give me some reasons why ao is better than blox fruits

time travel and dont bother getting into a argument with no winners

here, just to make it clear in a nice little graphic
red X means it’s unusable and bad
Yellow squigly line is that it’s usable, but outclassed easily
green tick means it’s good/usable
blue question mark thingy means I don’t know because I haven’t played the game in a while

meanwhile in AO, you can just pick whatever you like and make a decently viable build with it

Yeah im no5 gonna argue with them anymore until they either actuslly play the game or atleast debate like a normal person instead of screaming nonsense at me

Imo I feel like when you’re at the point where you need to start asking other people for debate advice unless it’s that big of a deal you should probably just drop it :sob:

Not everyone needs to be convinced that you’re right either because it’s not worth the effort or because it’s impossible.

Or because you could be the one who’s wrong, although in this situation I doub it.

Why is it bad? Do you get staat checked by it because a mythical has way better stats than a common?


and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

and over.

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I mean yeah but the thing AO has is that the meta is always stat related, so it doesn’t matter what magics, weapons or fs you may have, it’s more so about having good stat (example: agility being meta)

(idk if you’re defending blox fruits, but god that is horrible though, for a game that has been in development for a few years it’s quite underwhelming)

it’s bad because about 70% of options are almost usable in pvp (which is the reason you’ll be playing the game)
the reason for this is because 1. it just doesn’t do enough damage, 2. it doesn’t stun the player (stuns are stupidly important(yet another reason to hate that game)), 3. the skills are just way too slow to hit, or they’re mainly ground based (a lot of pvp takes place in the air)

So stat wise they’re unbalanced, status wise they’re unbalanced, AND the meta isn’t centered around their gimmicks?

AO player base is average 90 IQ while BLOX FRUITS player base is average 50 IQ

Fact of the day: There’s a great overlap between the smartest of Blox fruits players and the dumbest AO players

Overlap? More like 50 iq difference

I’m talking about the cirrus gankers

Cirrus gankers? I only know sailors lodge gankers

up to 12*

whoever said this was cooking, cuz blox fruits doesnt even have morock :joy_cat:

I have a solution for you

Don’t argue with a person that thinks that you’re NOT going to convince them

I have basically given up arguing with these people now. They are both completely braindead and just either deny without any real evidence or just scream random blox fruits shit at me. I think this proves that the average blox fruit’s player iq is below freezing

ikr. They dont even have the promethean flame curse