Give me your oc backstory

Which OC?

A random wizard/sorcerer born with a primordial magic instead of a base one for their first mind would be cool.

ill make one up on the spot instead of using felix or vincent

Judas Water
A Riverville born magicless man, who picked up a dagger and dived into the world of thievery at the young age of 19.
Truly a smart man, he learned how to thwart many wizards with just his brains.

Judas Water uses dual daggers and a crossbow in combat. Normally, instead of fighting a magic user head on, he will stalk them, and set up a trap to defeat them.

(idk, just an idea)

Judas Water picked up a dagger because he was unlucky enough to be exposed to Heroic Corruption, meaning where a person in authority who is meant to be a “hero” turns on their responsibilities.

His sister was sold into slavery and his mother was forced into marrying the Mayors son, Judas Water killed the Mayor and his hero bodyguard, burning down the Mayors house, and running to a nearby bandit camp.

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oh wait its AO related???

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Fine I’ll do Floyd and Xavier. Since all my other files aren’t from the AO universe.

Now go read all of it. Ruins of Charon Pt.1

Isn’t that a WoM story? I don’t think it matters, though

yea. but its basically the backstory for those two files

should I do an actual explanation or nah

A reincarnation of a god (doesnt know it) who was royal and fucking disowned by his dad. so he killed him

I was gonna make a fatherless joke but I honestly don’t know at this point.

Me with complicated lore

In short:
There are guy named Apollo who was born some circa 1500 on distant wilderness island in tribe, his tribe gets destroyed and he start traveling just to survive. He arrives at desert island and through “fate attratction” finds desert temple im the middle of nowhere. There, Apollo founds woman named Modeus who got heavily affected by dead-revival magic through sacrificial act of her old clan, and now she’s undead who god knows how long was in that desert temple.
Temple itself has many interesting locations: large libraries with ancient texts, dead gardens, prisons etc. And from being there for about 2 months he is like: “Such things should’nt go to waste” and decides to create his own clan “Sun Forge” whose main task is to research stuff about magic ; captruing, examining and trying recreating legendary weapons ; experemenitng with livings things using magic pollution to create things like white eyes ; and trying to develope new spells and magic scrolls.
He manages to create his clan via helping one of the large town aristocrat getting to mayor position and in return asking for fundings.

After aaaaaalll of that somewhere closer to ao(in ao he’s circa 300 y/o), his manages to capture “Crimson Witch”, a criminal with Explosion ; Wave(Works passively in large area, due to which its pain in the ass to fight with her, cause she will just suck your energy) and Life magic. After a fight directly with Apollo in order to capture her. After defeating Crimson Witch willingly agrees to work with Apollo.

And now we finally are getting to my main file (I swear, everything above is important to my lore :))
Megan Water: Frostmill alchemsit with very a lot of dissease(because of mother’s wave which basicly nearly killed Megan with wave during her when she was just fetus) that are covered via potions.

Rn i dont have much about Megan cause im waiting for AO to drop. But i have idea of Megan of some kind of higher-up researcher who will be interested in magic to the point of experemenitng on herself.

mfw divine patricide

Also, he didn’t kill him, he just sent him to Milkaheim, the tenth world of the World Tree and the realm of milk.

Nothing concrete yet, but here’s one.
She’s essentially a rather skilled user of Light Magic and as such was sought out by a wizard whilst young, leading her to be a lawful, honorable and kind wizard. That’s the WOM description at least. No idea how it’ll hold in AO, tl;dr.

why did this make me laugh

“the ocean of milk”

I forgot to mention the other but basically Verdies goes fucking.

thats my religion stfu

(well, in actuality, hinduism is more of a vast range of beliefs than a single common set of beliefs as in most religions, so not every belief/practice in hinduism is universal, hence why me or my family might not believe in kshira sagara, [and because i’ve never seen any “ocean of milk” ever] but still my religion >:C)

Archibald (Archie) lawrence arbor, my shadow file, has a bit of lore to him.
Died on a shipping trip with his mom and got kidnapped by some really dark and evil people. After they got him in place, they used his body to experiment with dark magic. After lots of trial, they manage to fuse a dark spirit (Named sanguis) with his soul. Because his soul is now considered ‘complete,’ he was able to come back to life. Sanguis is what give him his magic abilities, and they live as both a mutualistic and parasitic duo.

That’s a summary too and i sound dumb doing this

@anon82052662 rate the edginess