Giving accessories realistic stats

Giving accessories realistic stats
effort 3.0 2 quality 3.5 2 reasonability 4.666666666666667 3

I think it would be nice to have some armor pieces do what you would think. Here’s a list of some thoughts:

  • any winged accessory: + air movement
  • diving helmet: + air capacity
  • any big hat: tan-proofing
  • any Ravenna accessory: Ravenna ships won’t target you
  • any Keraxe accessory: Keraxe ships won’t target you
  • masks/shrouds: Bounty hunters won’t notice you
  • crowns/knight pauldrons: NPCs have a chance to solute you
  • wolf pelt cloak: wind-row bandits won’t notice you
  • planned bear accessories: bears won’t notice you
    I must have missed a bunch, share some other ideas

all good except the ship not attacking one, you might as well then say that wearing a cloak or uniform would stop the navy or syndicate from noticing you

mayke cats come close to you when wearing cat accessories (they’re gonna add them trust)


They did during the halloween event

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this seems more like a disguise system
also NPCs are already going to react to you differenetly based on your renown/bounty and titles

Less won’t notice you, more notice you less

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What next? Wearing full siren set make siren not attack you

I meant add cats buddy

Yea I like this, not too hard to implement (will probably still bug out) but very cool, tho it has to be decided if it is vanity or stat equip because… yknow people equipping one of each might be a little overpowered, I think as vanity is alright but instead of totally disabling them attacking you, you just have to get closer, maybe 20% per armor set (for stuff like crowns and noble armor it could be the same but lowered down to maybe 1-3% each)

Overall good suggestion :3

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In my opinion, i think as long you wear Certain armor as Vanity should make certain enemy not atk you

It would be a nice addition for accesories to actually do something, so there would be some motive to use them, at least if you have nothing. But aggro should not be changed by what your wearing.

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