Giving away another sunken iron leg piece, in a game hard, last event

Idk who wants a shitty sunken iron but im giving a chestpiece but im bias as fuck

How it goes:

  1. Picking my top favorite forumers without any limit, if you don’t get chosen, skill issue :joy_cat:
  2. RNG wheel lmao + rng for whoever will get picked most likely
  3. Making you solve an easy math problem
  4. uh idk uno reverse card for the win idk any lmao
    Or the secret quiz.
    im saving that quiz for later lmao

comment down if you wanna attempt it

Most gaurnateed of sunken:
Noble phantasm


Now you can choose how many votes you like except for yourself, if I catch u voting yourself I’d gladly make your chances of being picked by the wheel of rng as low as 1/1000 :3

Surely you guys aren’t too shy to vote, maybe with shown votes on.

Vote thing one
  • NickyZ1
  • Devisk
  • LightningmAIn
  • Felix_Talo
  • AwesomeOS
  • Opticalcord
  • Hanmbi
  • Dis
  • Warmwater
  • Goopman
  • Skenna
  • Level
  • Maple
  • Aatamo
  • Sock
  • Crimsonpants
  • Bio
  • Fartman1314
  • Beefybuffoon
  • Vera
0 voters
Vote thing 2
  • Misinput
  • Tetragon_fortress
  • TheFollest
  • SoifonFan
  • OnionCream
  • TheEvilReeve
  • HeyImFlower
  • Zipher
  • Ultimate
  • AnUnOriginalUsername
  • PinkButterflyGaming
  • Rotisserie
  • Dudeman
  • ShadowJGaming
  • Randomness
  • Archenhailor
  • Mitchellone
  • NineBangerz
  • Noblesymphony
  • Unlucky
0 voters
Vote thing 3
  • Imaalettuce
  • Abyss_XL
  • Boxi2012
0 voters

gib me

i guess i could try.

Even though i currently need sunken warrior instead, but hopefully i can do something with it.

give me

ok invite me fr

You should give it to me because I don’t play the game anymore and it would be funny

Pls don’t take in my suggestions :pleading_face:

I’m not addicted to the game that’s what makes me different

um what
oh free item
only hae to comment to join?

yea put me in i want free shit

I’ll take it


Throwing my name in the hat

Give it to me for safekeeping
Trust trade!!

slide rn

you could prob just ask ppl nicely and show how many subs u have and thats ur a mod and they’ll give it lol

I dont give a fuck about whos mod and who got 200k subs…

Otherwise i wouldve gave a sunken to 100+ people in my friends list and i wouldve gone poor…

I needa grind…

Hail noble btw

(Maple is still a top tier though)


im getting it

i’ll give you a cool rock for it

Bias? I’m in.

(I am not in fact one of flares favorite forumers-)

I will offer 8 sunken elements for it so you can craft your own chestplate.