Global Weather Event

Global Weather Event
effort 4.333333333333333 3 quality 5.0 3 reasonability 4.666666666666667 6

Add a global weather system

Basically a weather system that affects all servers as a whole

basically players would have access to a weather bar or maybe they can read the agora to learn what weather will/could happen in a few days/

The weather will be randomly picked and will happen in ALL servers across AO as a whole

Adds an interesting element to AO,

I feel that AO lacks as an MMORPG, especially when things don’t carry out of servers and player impacts doesn’t change anything as a whole.

Examples of how a weather bar could work:

(yeah the idea is inspired somewhat from legend of Zelda)

Additional Elements Ideas


Maybe if 50-100+ players use a legendary supernova potion across servers, then it can cause a lightning storm for 3 days across servers

same can be added to a bunch of potions like sandy, snow, clear sight

(These will also be sea specific, so bronze sea changes are bronze sea ONLY)

could be changed if it becomes too easy to create


Weather effects can make unique obtainable vanity or items, players can plan to grind certain of these items after checking the weather the previous day

Players can also band together in huge numbers to change the weather to suit their needs and grinds


Rare weather events that could cause other events to follow, Like a rare boss spawn which players will need to kill together which gives all players cool vanity items if they contributed


make weather change occur across servers

add a weather bar or let agora news tell players about what weather could happen in a few days previously

allow huge numbers of players to be able to manipulate the weather in some degree

potentially add more weather related events to the war seas



That isn’t quite what the post is referring to. That trello card merely consists of weather clouds that affect a large chunk of a server, but this post is talking about having every single server have identical weather, with the ability to have a large group of players influence it through potions

did he sent an image of the weather trello card? its empty on my screen for some reason

Idk, I doubt you’d ever get 50+ players to actually do it, and idk if you’re reffering to in-game days or irl days. If it’s the former, too weak. If it’s the latter, too powerful.

I mean it by IRL days, the reason i kept it at 50 is so that it would take a considerable amount of planning to pull off, maybe it could need more players if it proves to be easier to pull off them expected

These events would be sea specific so you won’t be able to flood the entire game with odd weather effects + these would be tied to legendary nova potions.

I like the idea of grinding to 50 nova potions so I can give my friends the struck by lightning badge :smiley:
also maybe this could add special items that spawn in different weather or something

This would make it so much easier for people to get thunderstorm only reagents. I like the idea

sure, but allowing hundreds, or thousands of players, to influence the weather is gonna get really chaotic. maybe scrap that part of the idea

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obviously it won’t be manipulatable constantly + because these are sea specific it will become too difficult to mess with them in the first place

the weather effects I’m thinking just, warm, rainy and snowy. basically just light weather.

Things like thunderstorms and strong waves should be locked behind game RNG choice or very very rare items

nah, not nearly enough people ever come together to do something like that, it’ll be funny to see

I actually really like the idea of global weather, but I don’t think the additional elements are really necessary
actually maybe the whole ‘special items’ thing could turn people off of playing the game for longer, since they would be looking for one specific weather type and would just leave the game again if it isn’t that type.

but yeah, it’d be very cool to have an entire day be mostly one type of weather, since it would put certain builds at an advantage that day, while another day it could put other builds at an advantage

If this is implemented, please, dont make it a bar in the UI. Add the weather report tothe agora for the day

And make sure they can make mistakes

This. I’ve always felt the Agora is slightly useless.
Otherwise, it’s perfect.

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There be a storm brewing…

yeah 50 people coming together with 50 different rare potions is extremely unlikely to happen

sure but i would say make it more influence the kind of weather that day so it’s not just constant thunderstorm

but constant thunderstorms are cool!

I think it would be better if its like

if 50 people use a rain potion on 5:30 am at some timzone

then it will be that weather at 5:30 am an hour or two for 3 days, that might be better

Could also have like
“This week there is an influx of acid magic radiation in the dark sea, so there will be 3x more acid waves” and stuff like that