Goals you could try to achieve in world of magic if you're bored

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Objective 1:

Get to max level with all 23 magic types (extra points if you include all variants)

Objective 2:

Get a full exiled set and minotaur set only from boss drops (extra points if they have the best enchants)

Objective 3:

Get any sunken item from fishing (extra points if it’s already enchanted)

If I get any more ideas I’ll let you know but for now that’s all I got

I’m trying to get a full set of mino items right now btw

I’m offering a $0 bounty for anyone who can do all of these and possibly more

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ive done at least 80% of them I think that’s enough

To clarify, getting the boss drops have to be from the bosses themselves, as in pure grinding/tracking if you didn’t do that

Have you maxed all variants too?




But they do for that objective…

Lvl 70 wood user can defeat lvl 90 magma user with full gear.
(Happened to me)

Objective 1 is eh, I have 6 of them already

Objective 2, probably already done, but some of those pieces have been traded away

Objective 3, sunken sword obtained in a couple hours a long time ago (funny how I can almost say years ago now)

Mine is better :drooling_face:

To be fair, if you are bored you could try learn to do something you are interested, workout or play sport while waiting for the release. Thats what I did hehe. But its all up to your interests in the end.

That aside the only goals in world of magic is to play a heavy magic.

Goal 4: Have atleast 1 OF EACH ITEM (all variants count as separate item) so example: get dull amulets WITH LVL 50/60/70/80/90 AND ALL DIFFERENT ENCHANTS (all enchant/level combo)

that’s 320 for dull amulets ALONE…

iron is funny

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no it isnt


Hey this topic feels familiar maybe like

Too familiar
Anyways for the points:

  1. Fuck that I am not stealing rayhans job lmao


  1. This is mental agony why would anybody do this :skull:

if youre bored then just dont play and do something else :skull:

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