God I hate the Suggestions

haven’t needed a restore, but people do have them in their inventory.

sealed chests are actually obtainable as an item through moderators when you need a restore

Okay well you know I’m talking about the actual sealed chests you can find, and not an obscure item that I’ve never heard of before.

they’re the same thing one is just in item form, and regardless it’s pretty much the same thing. A differently coloured sealed chest is basically the same as just a new item set, they both just have a different look and stats

Even if they are, I’m suggesting a higher tier of sealed chest, which is something that Vetex has been doing for a long time with many types of items.

which is literally just “add x item”. Not a very thought out or interesting suggestion. Don’t say “but that’s what Vetex does all the time!” because that’s what the main developer is already doing. No point in suggesting what is already in the game.

No no no, I’m not saying something he was already doing, I’m saying something that I came up with, and is also a variant of the sealed chest dynamic.

which is exactly what vetex has already done with nimbus sealed chests, just with more powercrept stats

This isn’t a very reasonable suggestion. I see this as a lazy replacement to dark sealed chests, since these chests would randomly replace any sealed chest and have a chance of giving exotic scrolls, the main reason people go to the dark sea. Other than that the chest is useless because of luck potions. The legendary weapons bit adds no value to the suggestion since you aren’t even suggesting anything

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“and now, I depict you as the soyjack… and me… as the chad”


No, I’m putting that there instead of an intelligent response because you’re saying something that I’ve explained in the previous reply.

you didn’t explain anything you’re just using purple prose

you can spin ANYTHING into some unique new thing like that

“ok so my suggestion is to add the Flow-Ridden Flintlock it has this unique thing where it has knockback on it’s attacks it’s not adding a new item it’s a unique addition to the game that also expands on the preexisting weapons system”

Well, think of it this way. You’re just hanging around, and you decide to go and dive. Lucky you, the sealed chest is green! Now you get a free exotic scroll or rare spell for your luck.

What exactly does your suggestion contribute to the game? Genuine question.

If anything, it’s just another island with already existing feature, quite lackluster too.

Your suggestion was also very vague, what’s the point of another Akursius Keep-like island? Your suggestion can easily be fit onto one of those randomly generated Dark Sea islands.

That wasn’t a suggestion.

The dark sea is based on risk/reward. Having this new sealed chest be a freebie would lessen the need to go to the dark sea, no matter how rare.

call it what you will but posting an “idea” of something you’d like to be added to the game that isn’t just a sentence is a suggestion

Yeah, sorry to say, but that was kind of the idea. It wouldn’t be common enough to replace dark sealeds, infact the dark sea would be the best way to get them.

Well I didn’t say I wanted it to be added.

Since I don’t hate Perf and Misinput, I’d say I’m on their side on this one. It’s like saying I’m not lying when I said so when in reality it is.

Also sharing an idea is pretty much suggesting if we look at its definition. As for your application for suggestor, I guess it’s not accepted since it’s taking a long time for you to get it. When I first applied for one, it immediately got accepted in a day so I guess you need to revise or come up with a new suggestion for application.