Golden Chest Buff

Golden Chest Buff
effort 4.333333333333333 6 quality 4.5 6 reasonability 5.0 7


Golden chests should not drop armor items and weapons more than 40 levels below the player’s level. The exact amount can be tweaked. I chose 40 to allow level 100 gear to still drop.

Details/background on your proposal

TL;DR: Golden chests are rare enough as is + their drops are shitty

Quick back-of-the-napkin calculation. For the most part, finding a golden chest in the open world is very rare. The only reliable way to find them is from charts.

A rare chart can take upwards of 30 minutes to complete, and a legendary chart up to an hour. The only way to consistently find these chart tiers is by hunting rivals, which only about a quarter of a server will have at most, even in packed Bronze Sea servers.

With a Fortune shovel, you can find about 10 golden chests from a really good chart if you’re lucky. I’ve personally done less than 20 high tier treasure charts, and that number seems high for most of the more casual players I know.

So, you go to that much trouble to complete a chart, dig up the chests, and wow, you find a scarf. Or a monocle.

These trash drops clutter inventory, increase lag, and devalue treasure charts and golden chests in particular. It feels like the time and effort you put in is wasted. These chests are meant to be rare, and it’s bizarre that they still give such terrible items most of the time.

Reason to add/change

This change would make AO more accessible to casual players while encouraging completing treasure charts and exploration.

Less casual players use sunken armor or boss gear, meaning that the players this supports the most are those who need it most. Furthermore, I’m sure even the hardcore metamancers would be happier to see that they don’t need to do treasure charts for two weeks every time the game updates.

If balancing this change is needed, the spawn rate of golden chests can be lowered. Making them less common is not as bad as them giving bad drops.

[Pic barely related (these all had trash drops)]


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that Vetex thought charts were too good


If a rebalancing of charts is needed, the spawn rate of golden chests can be reduced to compensate.

Also they’re not, not really no.

good idea

“good idea” → 0 votes


Yes, please. I’m tired of getting mostly useless junk from my rare+ charts. Even if the golden chests become much rarer as a balancing measure, it’s still better than just getting solely trash. Quality > Quantity

Golden chests are only rare bronze or nimbus sea, in the dark sea however you can spot numerous of them, in far reaches around half or one third of chests are golden, btw I’m not sure but are you complaining about droprate regular loot from golden chests (which with few exceptions like acrimony or a few reagants isn’t good) or modified loot from charts (which is or at least was meta)? If you mean overall drops, it’s really not hard to get unmodified titanium set or new class specific armor, but if you mean modified stuff, then yes it’s hard to get and it might need a buff, but you can luck potions (which aren’t that hard to get) and from my experience boss drops are much more accessible for casual players than modified stuff.

So in my opinion only thing that needs buffing rn is modified loot from treasure charts and not buffing it that much, that it would need balancing, bc if you increased quality but decreased quantity it’s still going to stay the same, just gold chest color will be less seen

I somehow get better items from silver chests than golden chests. Heck I even got a rare scroll from a common chest (I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one from a golden).

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a fix to my hate towards charts? yes please!

isnt this literally in game already tho?

the second bulletpoint says that any chest drop cant be lower than 30 lvls below your lvl

no, that only affects the level they drop at, not the item pool

(if an item’s max level is less than 30 levels under your current item, it drops at its max level instead)

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this is mostly my main concern, hence why the balancing is optional/needs testing.

However, looking towards the future as well, we’ll definitely see a lot of growth in the overall loot pool. This would scale better for future updates than the current system.

Oh i assumed that to mean that items that can be dropped 30 lvls below your lvl can also be dropped at their max lvl if applicable. But what you said makes more sense

tbh either chests need to be rarer, or there needs to be some higher tier of chests that is extremely, extremely rare. Chests just don’t feel rewarding enough currently.

yay more loot

hell yea I needa be rich

why not

Absolute Truth.

Like seriously, a pair of glasses in a golden chest? Really? Like come on

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