Gonna watch naruto

you’re gonna love shippuden! one episode half of it is a recap, then the op, and the rest of the ep naruto builds up a rasengan

next ep is a filler

ep after is naruto hitting the enemy with the rasengan

then it’s a filler arc

the ep after the filler arc, the enemy reacts to the impact of the rasengan

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I see you are a man with great perseverance and bravery

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such is the life of anime watching :mariomug:

funny coincidence, i just watched those set of episodes.


The fillers are pretty good in the original series so you can watch em if you want.


Here’s the list for shippuden and tbh I don’t even recommend watching em.

Just so you guys know the quality of naruto degrades once shippuden starts.

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Get used to long arcs since shows like db, naruto,and bleach have arcs that are over 20 episodes.

i could usually only watch 20 eps if i spend my entire 2-4 hour commute as well as free time at home watching it frfr

Dragon ball and bleach is garbage, lol I meant the 30+ episode arc that was still ongoing when I stopped watching where they were doing those ninja test things or something

Bruh the chunin exam was probably one of the best arcs in naruto

what are you talking about Boruto?

Not exactly since after the pain arc from shippuden the writing goes down in quality.

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btw Update:
am on episode 88.

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on episode 130 now

How tf did you watch that many episodes in a day

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I have powers that are considered unnatural. :poggers2:

Funny, because i was just about to finish the first series of Naruto (At episode 212) it takes a WHILE to get through (Shippuden has like 400+ episodes) (Boruto not included)