Gonna watch naruto

bro 800 episodes and like 11 movies.

let’s gooooo

lets binge watch 100 episodes in ONE DAYYYY-

Im kidding i watch 20 episodes a day

i wish the forum had a dislike button

shush I like his enthusiasm

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i don’t trust anyone who binges 20 episodes per day of any show, that means they’re up to something

This seems rather unhealthy, that isn’t very good

Please skip the filler once shippuden starts

Hey the only reason I watch 20 episodes is when i finish all of my work.


me wondering why he dosnt watch more per day

Come, we will watch it together.

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Go back to dyeing in a pocket dimeson Tobi


i’d watch 100 but

What parts do I skip cause i really wanna watch naruto

If u skip fillers
you gonna loSe itachi frying an egg!!!111

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Ninja Ostrich

I’ve been debating on doing this cause it looks like naruto gets really good later on, I’ve only watched 50 episodes and I stopped


it gets good

is on episode 39

ehhh I stopped watching it…

I think I stopped watching it cause the arc I’m on just stretched out too long, plus this was like 3 years ago that I watched 50 episodes